Dad - Chapter III

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Although running a tavern was hard work but fun, it was time to move on.  Dad decided to join Allstate in April of 1953, and even his license plates marked the occasion - TM-453


March, 1956


He was known to give solid advice, and go the extra mile to help his clients.  People buy from people they like. 

And Dad never had a problem in sales.


Receiving Allstate's  1961 "Seal of Confidence" 

Click thumbnail pictures below to see full size picture ...

Tom @ Allstate Annual Outing - 8_7_54 - Timber Grove.JPG (246273 bytes)      Allstate annual outing at Timber Grove - August 7, 1954  

Tom presents check to Red Cross from Allstate - 1957.jpg (82762 bytes)    presenting check to Red Cross from Allstate - 1957          

   Tom presents check to Red Cross from Allstate -back -.jpg (92510 bytes)                                                                                                  

            Allstate Senior Acct Agent certificate.jpg (321351 bytes)     awarded top "Senior Account Agent" Status - February 18, 1966 

Tom with Allstate colleauges- Early 1960's.JPG (281333 bytes)       with Allstate colleagues- early 1960's                           



  Dad retires – October, 1981